A festival for a rapidly changing world Menu
Data & privacy

Using data collaboration to drive digital transformation

In partnership with LiveRamp, UK

Digital transformation is the Holy Grail of contemporary business. All companies know they need to achieve it, but some aren’t aware how data collaboration can help them achieve this. In some cases, they are drowning in data, but it isn’t useful because it’s disparate, siloed, or of questionable quality. How can we educate executives and make the business case to the C-suite for what might at first seem like a daunting subject area? And how can data collaboration factor into the touchpaper issue of consumer privacy?

Event has finished for the day. All content will be on demand from tomorrow.

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Direct to consumer

The rise of the subscription economy

In partnership with Braze

Direct to consumer

Reimagining automotive

In partnership with carwow


Achieving agility in the face of change

In partnership with Neustar

Data & privacy

Thriving in the cookieless world

In partnership with The Wall Street Journal | Barron's Group


Context as a solution to the cookie-less future

In partnership with Oracle

Brand Purpose

The power of purpose

In partnership with Shutterstock

Data & privacy

A revolution in digital media

In partnership with The Trade Desk (UK)


Secrets of successful social commerce

In partnership with Deft