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Open Mic Marketing

Webinar: the impact of Covid-19 on online retail

By The Drum Network, Staff Writer

May 5, 2020 | 2 min read

SaleCycle recently ran a webinar focusing on the impact of Covid-19 on online retail - the facts and figures.

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, SaleCycle has been collecting and analysing key market data. While the world continues to deal with the outbreak, online retailers have been faced with a different type of consumer. This has caused a clear change in buyer habits and product demand.

SaleCycle has conducted analysis in several key industries to identify trends, changes in behaviour and stand out points in the last 3 months. From this analysis we created a webinar with a focus on site traffic, cart abandonment rates, sales trends and how businesses have started to adapt to the changes with some of SaleCycle's new innovations.

You can sign-up to view the webinar here: The Impact of Covid-19 on Online Retail

If you would like to read more content and analysis from SaleCycle, you can visit the blog.

You can find our latest eBook: The 2020 Ecommerce Stats Report here

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