
By Kyle O'Brien, Creative Works Editor

January 31, 2018 | 2 min read

New York may not have a team in this year's big game, but New Yorkers are rarely without an opinion. Since the Big Apple is also the home to some of the most prominent agencies that generate content for the Super Bowl, The Drum asked New Yorkers what they thought of the commercials that command the biggest media buys of the year (this year topping the $5m mark).

We passed the microphone to people all over Manhattan, from Times Square to Madison Square Park and places in between, and asked if they watched the Super Bowl and what they thought of the brand game within the actual game.

Do they watch the ads? Do they have a favorite commercial?

Some people couldn't remember ads they had seen, others recalled liking them but not having a favorite.

Others just look forward to being entertained by brands like Budweiser, Doritos, Coca-Cola, Volkswagen and other mainstays of the game.

Watch as people try to remember the brand behind 'Puppymonkeybaby' (here called 'Spiderbabymonkey'), or pledge their admiration for new campaigns like Bud Light's 'Dilly Dilly,' which morphs into 'Philly Philly' quite easily for Eagles fans.

It's an enticing mix of opinions from one of the industry's cradles of Super Bowl creativity, New York City

For more coverage on Super Bowl spots, visit our Creative Works section.

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