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Amazon to snap up Goodreads social network


By John Glenday, Reporter

March 29, 2013 | 2 min read

Online juggernaut Amazon is to get a little bit bigger after it said it would purchase Goodreads, the book discovery and recommendation website.

Founded in 2007 the social networking site for bookworms has attracted 16m members and is now one of the largest communities of online readers.

It allows members to recommend, review and discover new reading material and also purchase books directly from retailers such as Amazon – as well as rivals such as Barnes & Noble.

Amazon refused to divulge how many dollars it will part with to secure the deal but said that it expected the deal to be done and dusted by the next quarter.

Russ Grandinetti, Amazon vice president, Kindle Content said: “Goodreads has helped change how we discover and discuss books and, with Kindle, Amazon has helped expand reading around the world. In addition, both Amazon and Goodreads have helped thousands of authors reach a wider audience and make a better living at their craft. Together we intend to build many new ways to delight readers and authors alike.”

Otis Chandler, Goodreads CEO and co-founder, added: “People love to talk about ideas and share their passion for the stories they read. I’m incredibly excited about the opportunity to partner with Amazon and Kindle. We’re now going to be able to move faster in bringing the Goodreads experience to millions of readers around the world.”

Earlier this week, Yahoo! agreed a deal to buy mobile product company Summly, an app that aims to simplify how mobile users consumer information.


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