Thinx Creative Works Health and Wellness

Thinx celebrates ‘moist panties’ URL acquisition in period care ads


By John Glenday, Reporter

May 12, 2022 | 3 min read

Period underwear brand Thinx is pushing taboos in its marketing for a new range of ultra absorbent pants after purchasing the URL.


Underwear brand destigmatizes period care by appropriating ‘moist panties’

The bold play saw the brand rescue two of the most visceral words in the English language from web domain purgatory by placing it front and center of an out-of-home (OOH), social and web campaign that has already been blocked by prudish broadcast television.

Stretching the bounds of supposed public decency and decorum, the taboo-shattering campaign breaks down language barriers by dragging the hated phrase from the internet’s darkest nether regions into the cold light of day.

Conceived by Mischief @ No Fixed Address, the light-hearted campaign promotes the benefits of breathable micromesh clothing through impossible-to-ignore messaging.

Bianca Guimaraes, partner and executive creative directors at Mischief, mastermind of Thinx’s award-winning MENstruation campaign, said: “Thinx has a long history of shifting perspective when it comes to topics society still labels taboo. We wanted to normalize something that is happening to people every single second of every single day, yet still doesn’t get talked about – largely because we cringe hard when we hear these two words. Moist panties happen. But moist panties don’t have to happen with Thinx.”

Crystal Zerrenner, chief growth officer at Thinx, added: “Moist panties at any time – on your period and off – is an everyday reality. We are proud to launch another bold program that shines a light on the natural moisture women experience every day and offer sustainable solutions to keep them fresh and dry. After all, thanks to Thinx moisture-wicking period underwear, ‘moist panties’ no longer exist.”

The campaign is born out of a survey that found that 66% of Americans recoiled from the word ‘moist,’ while over half (52%) were uncomfortable with the word ‘panties,’ prompting Thinx to string both together for optimal impact.

The approach contrasts with an altogether more soothing campaign last year, which focused on ASMR sounds to sell the leak-proof underwear.

Thinx Creative Works Health and Wellness

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