B2B Lead Generation Contextual Targeting B2B Marketing

B2B brands’ best friend? 10 benefits of contextual targeting

By Charli Edwards, Creative Director

Cavendish Consulting


The Drum Network article

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November 10, 2023 | 7 min read

Thanks to contextual targeting, the right place and right time might be more accessible than you think, says Cavendish Consulting’s Charli Edwards.

A dart board, with a dart in it

Contextual targeting and B2B: a match made in heaven? / Silvan Arnet via Unsplash

If your business has recently undergone a substantial procurement process, you're probably relieved that you won't have to revisit that for some time. Most organizations switch providers for significant services only once every five years. That means only about 20% of business buyers actively seek these services annually, meaning the rest… Not in the market, period.

Successful B2B brands know that prosperity doesn’t come overnight. They understand the importance of creating awareness around their product or service and using memorable experiences to ensure customer loyalty. But do businesses understand what makes an effective B2B strategy? Most importantly, how can brands maximize their efforts while building a solid reputation and managing long-term customer relationships?

Regardless of the industry, businesses need to recognize the significance of establishing brand awareness and providing memorable experiences for their clients, fuelling customer loyalty, and driving repeat business and referrals. The B2B market is no exception: according to Salesforce, 79% of B2B buyers say they have purchased from a brand based on the recommendation of another customer.

Remember the basics; context is key

Contextual targeting delivers ads based on the content of the webpage or app that the user is viewing, in contrast to behavioral targeting, which provides ads based on the user's past browsing history and demographics.

Contextual targeting is great for B2B businesses because it allows them to reach target audiences when they are already interested in the topic or product that the ad is promoting. For example, if a B2B company sells software for customer relationship management (CRM), they could use contextual targeting to deliver ads to users reading articles about CRM on websites like Forbes or HubSpot.

The benefits of this kind of contextual targeting are legion. Here are ten.

1. Relevance

Contextual targeting ensures that ads are displayed alongside content directly related to the products or services being promoted. This increases the likelihood that the audience is genuinely interested in the offering. A solid 73% of consumers say they are more likely to engage with an ad relevant to their interests.

2. Alignment with content

In B2B, decision-makers often consume content related to their industry or specific challenges. Contextual targeting allows ads to be placed near this content, increasing the chances of capturing the attention of potential buyers.

3. Enhanced credibility

Ads appearing in relevant contexts seem more credible and trustworthy. This is especially critical in B2B, where decision-makers are typically discerning and cautious. Consumers are more likely to trust a brand that shows ads in relevant contexts.

4. Cost-efficiency

Contextual targeting can be more cost-effective compared to broader targeting methods. It helps to avoid spending resources on audiences that are unlikely to convert, as the context ensures a more qualified audience.

5. Reduced ad fatigue

63% of consumers have ad blockers installed on their devices. And B2B decision-makers are no less inundated with ads than anyone else. Contextual targeting helps to minimize ad fatigue by ensuring that ads are shown in relevant contexts, making them less likely to be perceived as intrusive or annoying.

6. Bypassing ad blockers

… Speaking of which, as ad-blocker usage grows, contextual targeting provides a way to reach audiences that may otherwise be shielded from traditional display advertising.

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7. Compliance and data privacy

With growing concerns about data privacy and compliance with regulations like GDPR, contextual targeting provides a way to target audiences without relying on potentially sensitive personal information.

8. Customization opportunities

Contextual targeting allows for a high degree of customization. Advertisers can tailor their messaging to align perfectly with the content consumed, increasing the chances of resonating with the audience.

9. Improved engagement rates

Ads placed in relevant contexts will more likely capture viewers’ attention, leading to higher click-through rates and engagement levels.

10. Optimized ROI

By reaching a more targeted audience already interested in related content, contextual targeting can lead to higher conversion rates, ultimately improving the return on investment (ROI) for B2B advertising campaigns. A 2022 study found that contextual targeting campaigns can generate up to twice as much ROI than traditional display advertising campaigns.

B2B Lead Generation Contextual Targeting B2B Marketing

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