
How to become a broadcast guru

By Nick Rosier, Digital content director



The Drum Network article

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February 23, 2021 | 5 min read

Get your 10 top tips from 2Heads digital content and broadcast teams on accelerating your online event to the next level. Move on from poor quality headshots to live streams that truly reflect your brand's quality.

broadcast guru

Nick Rosier and Ed Cross advise on how to become a digital guru

It is well known that virtual events are as much a part of everyday life as live events used to be. Businesses still need to sell products and services. Brands still need to connect with audiences. Time stood still for a while, but everyone is very much back to reality now, working on their outreach and sales/marketing strategies in this new world.

We are not going to labour the point. Everyone knows that video conference calls are tedious and it’s hard to last to the end of the average webinar/online conference. But, this does pose a very real problem to big brands who need their virtual events to do well this year if they want to hang on to their market share.

As a result, a lot of brands are now turning to agencies with broadcast and television production backgrounds as well as experiential credentials to create broadcast quality live streams and presentations.

Fresh off the back of the new year’s brand outreach, our broadcast team gives you its top tips for turbocharging your online voice:

Tip 1: Get a strong presenter. Having a media trained professional who can be engaging on camera to moderate, present and hand over to other speakers or panels is essential.

Tip 2: Think about the venue. Rather than relying on a standard video player to run a live stream, think about whether the session could be run in a virtual space or a themed and branded platform. In the physical sense also consider echo and use a small room with a few flat hard surfaces like glass or concrete as possible.

broadcast gurus

Tip 3: Reusability. What video assets can you create from the livestream for marketing the event, creating wrap-up videos, and reusing in reports and internal assets? The more mileage you can get, the better.

Tip 4: Resource. If live stream is here to stay, then don’t let a lack of equipment let you down. We use the same equipment as a film studio to record, film, live stream, and upload the broadcast. Too much of an investment? Outsource via your agency.

Tip 5: Sound. So often the last element considered and quite often the most important. Mic up with a good headset or condenser microphone and use a streaming platform where lag latency is nullified. When you are connecting across the world, nothing is more important.

broadcast guru sound

Tip 6: Variety is vital. Change up the format every single time, and…

Tip 7: Create a two-way conversation. The more active the viewers are the more engaged they will be. Run polls, invite questions, run interactive content that people can contribute to on a platform or via a second screen. Split out into smaller multi-way video calls using recording studio tech.

Tip 8: Storyboard. Especially if you have more than one speaker. Consider your narrative thread and script out key take-aways that are reinforced across different voices, so they stay with your audience. Rehearse in a studio space, you will be surprised by the difference that will make to performance.

Tip 9: Producers/editor. This is a luxury not always readily available in the budget, but we have found using experienced event producers to mix in the live stream in real-time makes such a difference to the broadcast quality. They can make sure incoming audio is mixed well, use reverb compressors and proper live streaming software to make a big difference. Throw in a good motion graphics editor who can liven up your broadcast with animations and branded takeovers, and engagement will double.

Tip 10: Go leftfield. The options for audio/visual magic are increasing every month and with the rise of augmented reality studios and specialist broadcast venues, now is the time to explore your options. Creativity does not have to be limited. If anything, now is the time to push the boundaries. Build-in some 3D environments or game engine design and make your broadcast Netflix-worthy. It will pay dividends in the long term.

Curious to know how we are amplifying streamed events for clients? Contact us today at for a chat.

Nick Rosier is digital content director and Ed Cross is senior digital producer at 2Heads.


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