The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By Jenni Baker, journalist

January 20, 2021 | 4 min read

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One of the major benefits Connected TV (CTV) advertising holds over traditional linear TV is that it eliminates any guesswork when it comes to targeting and reporting. That was the key conclusion of Emma-Lou Wagstaff, head of programmatic sales at Samsung Advertising, in the second episode of a two-part mini series, in which she spoke with The Drum co-founder Gordon Young. They looked at how CTV really works in practice, analysing the benefits for advertisers and the buying opportunities to drive performance and efficiencies.

Samsung TV Plus

CTV combines the quality user experience of your TV experience with the data-informed approach of the digital advertising campai

“CTV combines the quality user experience of your TV experience with the data-informed approach of the digital advertising campaign,” Wagstaff said, which provides “a more effective experience for the end-user, beyond the data and insights.”

According to a study by IPG Mediabrands’ MAGNA, ads served on CTV devices not only tend to decrease ad overload but create more positive emotions across all age groups, outperforming linear TV with a 3.8 times higher retention rate.

What CTV offers is a full-screen ad experience, much like linear TV, but it can also offer linear ad reach extension; targeting users based on first-party data and reaching those who haven’t been exposed to a linear TV ad. It can drive incremental reach, optimise TV ad frequency and track exposure to linear campaigns, all in a premium brand-safe OTT environment and “with pricing that drives the performance and efficiencies that people are looking for in programmatic,” said Wagstaff.

The biggest advantage is the ability to buy CTV inventory programmatically - which, at Samsung Ads, can be purchased through a private marketplace deal and on a programmatic-guaranteed basis, as well as on a managed IO service.

Rather than replacing the linear market, CTV is designed to augment it, offering a similar experience of buying linear TV with the added ability to carry ad format sizes from 6 seconds up to 90 seconds, accommodating more unusual lengths of video ad copy.

“It’s like buying linear TV; post-roll, mid-roll and pre-roll that’s playing during content that’s streaming 24 hours a day in Samsung TV Plus, with different ad breaks periodically throughout the content that mirrors the experience consumers are already very familiar with through traditional television,” explained Wagstaff.

“The Holy Grail when it comes to CTV and online video”, Samsung can offer interest-based targeting; audience segments leveraging its ACR (Automatic Content Recognition) datasets, a gamechanging technology that enables brands to reach viewers based on their content consumption by understanding what’s going on behind the TV screen. Not only does this provide valuable information and engagement insights but allows for better targeting capabilities, enabling advertisers to use this data to deliver relevant ads, tailored to viewers interests, with optimised reach and frequency, and at scale.

“With the different ways of buying video and different points of entry for video buying, measurements can vary amongst media and what we don’t want is for advertisers to be spending their ad dollars targeting the same people every time,” said Wagstaff. “We want to demonstrate the power of data leveraged through ACR and measure the effectiveness of the campaign and the extension of the reach beyond an advertiser’s investment into just linear.”

“We want to make sure that if you’re buying CTV, that it’s actually measurable and that effectiveness means that you’re not overlapping or overexposing audiences to the same creative; and we’re able to provide the extension to that on CTV.”

This is the second video in a two part series exploring innovations in CTV. You can watch the first video here.

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