The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Creative The Drum Live Events Digital Marketing

The tale of technology: A snapshot of the future of storytelling

By Madi Bruce, Writer

August 28, 2019 | 4 min read

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Bring your storytelling into the modern age with Story Times - The art and science of visual storytelling, a partnership between The Drum and Shutterstock that will showcase how technology and modern storytelling can be the perfect pairing for marketers.

Story Times with The Drum and Shutterstock

Story Times: The Drum in partnership with Shutterstock visual storytelling event

In an age of big data and even bigger marketing spends, the power of a simple story holds firm. As content models shift towards social and video, and attention becomes invaluable currency, marketers are wrestling to discover the secret to successful brand storytelling. How are we building the foundations for the future of storytelling? How can brands hope to be heard?

What are the emerging platforms, technologies and tools for marketers and how are they being used to reach modern audiences? The afternoon conference will bring together the brightest creative minds of today’s creative sphere to explore how we can better use stories to engage with an ever-more fragmented audience.

Is the creative process broken? How do we build the foundations for new types of storytelling? How can we possibly create engaging experiences and weave original creative canvases in today’s age? Where does technology come into play? These are essential questions for the contemporary marketers, and Story Times will explore each at length.

Story Times: A trip into the new age of narrative

The industry’s best and brightest storytellers will be joining The Drum, in partnership with Shutterstock, at the iconic Barbican for a creative conference with a difference. From narratives of old to new and extraordinary ways of telling tales, you’ll hear from the minds behind storytelling behemoths from the giants of Facebook, Snapchat and beyond.

Brands are using content to connect with their audience in ways we never thought possible. Visual storytelling is now the cornerstone of brand communication, but are you getting it right?

Story Times - The art and science of storytelling on October 2 will be a celebration of how tech and creativity are propelling visual storytelling to new horizons.

We’re opening the afternoon with a discussion on how storytelling will shape the future of marketing, and how the future will shape our stories. Our panelists will shine a spotlight on how the industry – and culture as a whole – is at the frontier of something genuinely new when it comes to new content models. It will also explore how marketers could be missing out on lucrative ROI opportunities by not leveraging their visual creative power, preparing you to launch the most creative visual campaigns of your career.

An inspiring session with photographers and creatives will take a look at storytelling through images and while being at the frontline, and how the world of advertising can learn from this.

The event will kick off with a networking lunch. The afternoon will be jam packed with an exploration into the creative process, the importance of images in the future of advertising, and a deep dive into the metrics and measurement of a good story. This is not one to be missed.

Keep tuned for a stellar list of speakers to be announced soon.

Explore how technology can transform your campaigns and get up close and personal with the power of images at Story Times.

Register your interest today.

Creative The Drum Live Events Digital Marketing

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Shutterstock is a leading global technology company offering a creative platform for high-quality assets, tools and services.

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