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Fake News Technology

SpotX partners with Zvelo to combat fake news


By Taruka Srivastav, Reporter

May 12, 2018 | 3 min read

Online video advertising platform SpotX has partnered with Zvelo to ensure brand safety by tackling fake news.

SpotX partners with Zvelo to combat fake news

SpotX partners with Zvelo to combat fake news / SpotX

Both the companies will work together to block websites and content that is fake. SpotX will aim to remove sites that disseminate fabricated news and disinformation from available ad inventory thereby preventing advertisers from associating brand content with this objectionable content.

Jeff Finn, CEO, Zvelo said: "SpotX was the first supply-side platform that we partnered with in providing content categorization for brand safety, and we're proud of the work we've done together to make the internet a safer place to advertise.

"At the same time, we're excited to provide greater capabilities for the categorization of fake news sources than ever before, and to assist SpotX in offering a thoroughly vetted, brand-safe ad inventory for publishers."

Nick Frizzell, senior director, brand safety and inventory operations, SpotX said: "Our expanded partnership with zvelo really reinforces SpotX's unwavering commitment to brand safety, as well as our duty to clean up the video ad ecosystem and educate media buyers about fraudulent inventory as new threats emerge.

"Empowered by Zvelo's technology, we're able to help media buyers avoid brand-damaging associations with fake news. In an environment where buyers continually struggle to identify worthwhile ad inventory within the onslaught of new content and websites emerging every day, our Zvelo-backed brand safety practices help publishers sort through the noise and successfully target advantageous ad placements."

SpotX earlier partnered with Switch Media, a cloud based streaming company, to produce AdEase, a multi-screen digital product offering.

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