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LinkedIn Marketing

LinkedIn reveals the 10 most overused marketing buzzwords on CVs and profiles


By John McCarthy, Opinion editor

January 30, 2017 | 2 min read

It is common knowledge that prospective candidates for marketing roles have to be specialised and creative, experienced with a good track record; it helps to be both passionate and enthusiastic tempered with a dash of focus… however, these terms are so widely used on LinkedIn that there’s a danger that such applicants are not distinguishing themselves from the crowd.


Buzzwords do not maketh the marketer

Boundless buzzwords can be the undoing of any comms professional’s attempt to get a point across, as a result, LinkedIn has revealed the ten most used buzzwords on the site to help users during what it says is historically the busiest week in January for profile updates.

The company scanned the profiles of 31,000 UK marketers to pin down the words perhaps all too common in the industry. They feature as below:










Track record

Steve Blakeman, managing director of global accounts at OMD, said: “Every time I read a LinkedIn profile I subconsciously play a game of Buzzword Bingo. ‘Strategic. Tick. Passionate. Tick. Innovative. Full house!’

“Given that people who work in marketing are meant to be experts in communication makes it all the more incomprehensible. If I read a profile with a more judicious choice of positive professional adjectives (what about accomplished, meticulous or sanguine?) then I am more likely to conclude that they are a candidate genuinely worth speaking to.”

The company also released three pointers for profile tinkerers: “Nail your profile summary, write for your clients and show, don’t tell.”

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