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Google Flash

A flash in the pan: Google to drop Flash ads in shift to HTML5


By Jon Brady, Photographer/Reporter

February 9, 2016 | 2 min read

Google has announced that it will no longer accept Flash adverts on its advertising network.

In a blog post on the AdWords Google+ page, the company confirmed that “the Google Display Network and DoubleClick Digital Marketing are now going 100% HTML5”.

From June 30th 2016, it will no longer be possible for advertisers to upload Flash adverts onto the platform. From January 2nd 2017, display ads built in Flash will no longer display at all.

The internet giant is keen to drop the platform completely, and offers several resources to help advertisers make the move to HTML5 for display ads. Today’s announcement follows a number of moves by other bodies to move away from Flash.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau updated their guidelines for advertisers to recommend a move towards HTML5 last year, while Google’s own Chrome browser has been pausing Flash content that wasn’t ‘central’ to a webpage since January 2015.

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