
By Minda Smiley, Reporter

January 11, 2016 | 1 min read

AT&T is debuting a spot during tonight’s College Football Championship that repositions the brand as a more than just a phone carrier.

Called ‘Your Network,’ the spot is part of a larger campaign that includes digital and print elements. Created by BBDO New York, the film aims to show viewers how AT&T has evolved over the years from simply a phone service to a multi-faceted company that helps provide consumers with connected cars, mobile entertainment and more.

A blue fingerprint, which is meant to represent the individual, appears at the end of the video to show that “a mobile lifestyle is at the center of AT&T does – and that has now become personal.”

The spot was directed by Frederic Planchon, who directed AT&T’s viral ‘It Can Wait.’

Print ads will run in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today.

BBDO New York AT&T

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