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By Tony Connelly, Sports Marketing Reporter

July 8, 2015 | 1 min read

Marketing agency T3 has created a hands-free version of the social dating app Tinder using the heart rate monitor in the Apple Watch to allow users to make their choices based on how their heart rate reacts when they view someone’s picture.

T3 has marketed the “hands free Tinder” around the idea that people usually chose their matches on Tinder using their head but the heart rate monitor will allow them to use their “heart” instead.

The app will monitor the user’s heart rate and determine whether or not someone is the right match depending on whether their heart rate goes up or down.

Whether the heart rate function of the app is a viable means to match people remains to be seen but the marketing around Apple Watch and its most talked about functions generate publicity and awareness around it.

No date has yet been set for the release of the app, only that it is “coming soon.” The ad can be viewed in full above.

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