Hillary Clinton US Presidency US Presidential Election

Create your own political ad for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign on The Drum


By The Drum Team, Editorial

April 13, 2015 | 2 min read

All eyes have been on Hillary Clinton this week when she revealed she would officially confirm her plan to run for office on social media.

To help her campaign, The Drum has created a web tool designed to give people the chance to air their creative juices and have a bash at creating a tongue-in-cheek political ad which they believe her party should consider using in the former first lady's presidential campaign.

Have a go by following this link and typing in your campaign message. The ads can be shared on Twitter and Facebook, ad well as on The Drum. See below for some early examples.

Clinton has taken the route of a more low-key announcement on Twitter, video and email for her second run at the White House, following her 2008 loss to Obama.

The tool, created in-house by The Drum, will be expanded to cater for all the US presidential candidates in the coming months - as the 577 days left until election start to count down.

Clinton’s announcement will make her the third officially declared candidate for president, after Republican senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. Florida senator Marco Rubio is expected to launch his campaign on Monday. She is the first Democrat to throw her hat in the ring but faces potential challenges from Martin O’Malley, the former governor of Maryland, and former Virginia senator Jim Webb.

Hillary Clinton US Presidency US Presidential Election

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