The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By Ishbel Macleod, PR and social media consultant

January 7, 2014 | 2 min read

The IPA and Thinkbox have unveiled a short film on the power of emotion in ad campaigns; highlighting 2012 Effectiveness Awards winners such as John Lewis, British Gas, Nikon and Shangri La, and featuring Marie Oldham.

Oldham, chief strategy officer at Havas Media and 2012 convenor of judges, said: “All the findings say that if you can tap into something deeper you might get a bigger effect, you’re more likely to get word of mouth and advocacy, and you’re more likely to get a longer term richer effect.

“One of the most significant findings is that consumers in the UK and lots of parts of the world have gone through significant changes from 2007/2008 and it has really undermined some of the beliefs that we held before then. The brands that are really succeeding are using research and using their understanding of their consumers to identify that, and to connect their brand to those changes and to the new values that consumers are focussing on.”

The film looks to show how Adam&Eve DDB’s John Lewis campaign put the consumer first, as well as how Nikon and JVM recognised the need of the consumer to capture the world in images, while featuring the adverts mentioned.

The film also takes learnings from the IPA Databank, which looks at the last 30 years of Effectiveness Awards papers, to show the effectiveness of emotional advertising.

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