Poll reveals public perception of BBC leftwing bias

By Angela Haggerty, Reporter

November 3, 2013 | 2 min read

A poll has revealed that the majority of those who believe the BBC is bias consider the broadcaster to favour leftwing politics.

Poll: The public believe the BBC is more likely to favour the left

According to the poll, carried out by Opinium and the Observer, 41 per cent of people thought the BBC was bias and 27 per cent of those people said the bias was towards the left. Fourteen per cent believed it was to the right.

However, 37 per cent of people said they thought the BBC’s news reporting was neutral and 26 per cent were not sure.

The poll also found that 65 per cent of people thought that the licence fee was too high while 57 per cent said the BBC should be forced to compete with other broadcasters if it is to continue receiving public funding.

The poll comes just weeks after a row between the Daily Mail and Ed Miliband, during which the BBC faced allegations of bias.


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