30 Under 30

The Drum 30 under 30 #12: Victoria Trow, creative, DigitasLBi


By Jennifer Faull, Deputy Editor

October 18, 2013 | 2 min read

The Drum 30 under 30 women in digital 2013 highlights the top 30 women under the age of 30 making an impact in digital. Here, The Drum catches up with Victoria Trow, creative, DigitasLBi.

The Drum 30 under 30 women in digital is an annual platform recognising the next generation of digital talent. Over the course of 30 days we will be running interviews with each of the women profiled, to give more insight into their careers so far, professional achievements, and what they see as the next big game changers in digital.Today's profiled individual is Victoria Trow, creative, DigitasLBi. What is your biggest professional achievement so far? Making this. An installation for the Barbican that takes you on a sonic tour of London's history. I had so much fun making it, I learnt loads about technology, and it was up in one of the most iconic buildings in London - eek. Oh, and we made it in a week. What is the biggest challenge you've overcome in your career? I'm currently a single creative – finding a partner is hard. So, hi there reader. Help me overcome my current career challenge. If you know any awesome Art Directors out there, please put them in touch @Victoria_Trow What's the next game changer in digital? An anti-digital revolution. Fuuuuck. What would you like to be remembered for? Being kind. Who inspires you most professionally or personally? Beyonce and Jason Scott. What would you be doing if you weren't doing this? I've been watching a lot of films about cults recently. Maybe I'd try and be a cult leader. How do you relax? Whack on nine hours of relaxing rain when you sleep – wow you feel good in the morning. Describe your career to date in five words.Boom. Bam. Huzzah. Fuuuuucccck. Yeah!This series will run for the duration of October. Yesterday's featured individual was Cecilia Massola Taliacarne, senior account director, Infectious Media.
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