The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By The Drum Team, Editorial

March 2, 2012 | 1 min read

The Telegraph has won the first IAB Future Formats Award, for its new online advertising format, Cascade.

Media owners and technology companies were invited to showcase their next generation of ad formats, which could be adopted in 2012, with 18 entries judged and six finalist chosen. Entries were judged on how realistic brands would use, innovative and brand building potential.

The other finalists were: Aol for Project Devil ; Google Doubleclick for Page Move; Media Mind (powered by Microsoft) for Sidekick; Microsoft for Filmstrip; and YouTube for Masthead.

Sophia Amin, IAB communications and marketing director, said: “The Future Formats Award celebrates creativity and innovation. We want to showcase the most cutting edge formats and stimulate new ideas in this space. All entries pushed the boundaries but judges were unanimous that Cascade is a truly refreshing format, which is packaged up in a very elegant user experience.”

The Drum Awards IAB the Telegraph

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