
What's the best ingredient in any programmatic recipe?



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June 1, 2016 | 4 min read

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I have a bit of a confession to make. I’m a huge fan of cookery shows. The Great British Bake Off is a firm favourite in my home and I’ve also just finished binge watching the latest series of Masterchef. Seeing those masters at work reminded me of how different a chef and baker truly are. It’s difficult for a chef to also be an amazing baker, and vice versa, as the contestants of the show can attest.

Programmatic recipe

That got me thinking that choosing a cooking specialty is a lot like choosing a programmatic partner. Sure, there are multi-channel players out there, but a dish of chicken and mashed potatoes is quite different than a three-tier wedding cake.

In the same way, each advertising format has so many different nuances. It’s both impractical and improbable for a platform to execute all of them at the highest level, particularly when the vendor involved is also a media company.

Every publisher has its own set of monetisation goals and these dictate which of their content is made available to advertisers and at what price. The stakes are high and as such, content owners (especially those offering brand-coveted video content) need a partner that is spending just as much time on the research and development of the technologies that will meet their needs. When it comes to innovation and the ability to evolve at the speed of industry changes in the digital age, specialisation wins out. Hands on, in-market expertise and the ability to iterate within a rapidly changing environment is invaluable.

Most multi-channel SSPs began as desktop display platforms that later added mobile and/or video capabilities. This really means that they took a platform that was architected to monetise banner ads and changed a few features to become equipped to do the same with much more complex assets comprised of sight, sound, motion. Because they operate on totally different economics, these players often poorly recognise the differences between display and video inventory. Common sense says publishers who use a specialised point solution can rest assured the correct protocols and means for measurement are in place, and that the technology is optimised to increase returns and provide a positive user experience.

A video SSP plugs into a completely different set of DSP partners to access demand. Video leverages very different success metrics, whereas display is still bought on clicks and conversions. Video operates like a more measurable version of its grandfather, TV, with metrics like completions, viewing quartiles, engagement, and the old standby GRP.

But perhaps the biggest difference lies inside the brain of the SSP – the algorithm. Display DSPs are built to spray and pray in hopes of finding the consumer en route to a conversion. As a branding vehicle, last click attribution doesn’t apply in video, allowing us to focus on the quality of exposure and customer impact, done through optimisation to viewability, completions, GRPs, or brand preference.

Consumers are giving us the biggest opportunity in video by watching more and more, including my binge watching of BBC’s finest programming. Video is the first ecosystem where a mutual partnership exists. The promise of that partnership is that video, sight sound and motion, in all its forms, will be consumed more than ever.

Andy Morley, UK MD, Tremor Video

Tel: 0203 586 8250


LinkedIn: tremor-video

Twitter: @tremorvideo


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