Date: Jan 2019
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Yellow Tail wine is back in the Super Bowl, and it is using footage from two of its contest winners to create the ‘Tastes Like Happy’ 30-second ad.

This year, for the first time, the ad will feature two entirely fan-produced video segments as part of its commercial. In November, Yellow Tail launched a contest asking consumers to share videos showing what makes them happy. The brand received more than 1,500 fan submissions to its website and social pages.

Many of the contest submissions depict time with family and friends. The most popular activities shared were dancing and singing. Selected by a panel of more than ten judges, the grand prize winner was Adrien Colon, dancing the salsa on a magical flat rock on a beach in Ibiza, Spain. In addition to being featured in the Super Bowl spot, Colon also won an all-expense paid trip to his happy place, anywhere in the world.

The runner up prize winner was Katherine Nunez and a video of her swinging from a rope off a boat high above a beautiful bay in Aruba is also be featured in the commercial. Her video was shot by her husband while the two were on their honeymoon.


Creative Agency: The Bam Connection

Media Agency: Havas Worldwide

Social Media Influencer Agency: Socialtyze

PR Agencies: Lippe Taylor and Zapwater