Agency: Salad
Date: Jul 2018
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Salad, the design and communications agency, has revealed the visual branding and creative concept for this year’s Design Podge Lunch – the design community’s invite-only annual networking event. Each year Podge Events enlists the artistic help of a creative UK agency to produce their design work. Salad developed the visual identity using Design Podge being in its 24th year as a starting point.

Through exploring the significance of the number 24, the agency decided to focus on the premise of time. The concept began with an original stop-motion animation of a handcrafted paper sundial, which in its 12th position turns to reveal the number 24. This simple idea, featuring colourful geometric shapes, fed into every element of the project.

Salad employed blocks of colour, across a vibrant palette, alongside varying shapes and light. From a colourful invitation in the post, to almost life-size versions of the paper geometric shapes at the event, the concept presented a vibrant contrast to the decor inside the IoD’s Garden Room, this year’s event venue. As a rarity for Podge Lunch to have outdoor access, Salad were tasked to expand the installation. The gardens became the backdrop for a scattering of giant, colourful and soft geometric sculptures which enabled the creative to become more experiential and tactile.

To complement the printed elements and event design, Salad crafted a side-scrolling website to display the stop-frame animation as the user scrolls, revealing the number 24 at the end of the page.


Ralf Maniego, Designer

Jon Lockhart, Lead Creative

Dan Young, Head of Design

Nicolas Kovac, Designer

Sophia Taglialavore, Producer

Tim White, Developer

Arabella Lewis-Smith, Founder and MD of Salad