Agency: Peanut
Client: Peanut
Date: May 2022
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Peanut, an online community for women, has released a digital gallery of illustrations that aims to accurately represent the diversity of women and their bodies within the medical field.

‘The Reframing Revolution’ royalty-free images can be found on the organization’s website and are the result of a collaboration with Dr Somi Javaid, OB/GYN doctor, surgeon and founder of HerMD, and the team at Biotic Artlab.

Women have historically been misrepresented in healthcare, portraying all female anatomy as white, slim, hairless, young and able-bodied. However, the reality is there is no ‘normal’ when it comes to body types. Real-life experiences have been addressed in the gallery, which include bruising from IVF injections, linea nigra, pregnancy, C-section scarring and jaundice in babies of different ethnicities.