Date: Nov 2020
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Solace Women’s Aid, the London-based charity that supports women and children who have experienced domestic abuse and sexual violence, is dramatizing the long-term effects that domestic abuse victims suffer in a new Christmas campaign created by MSQ's Stack.

The campaign plays out a well-known Christmas song on a loop, which become ever more infuriating as the ad goes on. But, whilst we’re eventually able to turn off the incessant Christmas jingles, there’s no off switch for abuse survivors – not without proper help.

That’s where Solace Women’s Aid comes in. Their vital therapeutic services help women and children who are reliving domestic abuse and sexual violence gain control over their experiences. The campaign calls for donations to help pay for these services, so that the charity can do more to #MakeItStop.


Agency - Stack

Film Production - Kirsty Malcolm

Editor - Priit Palumaa

Audio Editor - Alex Gregson

PR - PHA Group