Agency: DNA
Date: Jun 2019
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If you were watching TV on the west coast in the 70s and 80s, you saw Rainier Beer ads featuring larger-than-life ’wild’ Rainiers – essentially beer bottles and cans on legs – roaming the Pacific Northwest wilderness, their natural habitat, according to advertising legend.

Today, creative agency DNA has brought back the mystical beings with a call to action to ‘Rewild the Rainiers.’

Now those wild Rainiers have been tamed, and are roaming among the people, gyms, streets and offices of urban dwellers. The new campaign encourages beer drinkers to ‘rewild’ their Rainiers back to their natural habitat – out in the forests, rivers and mountains of the Great Pacific Northwest.

After landing the assignment earlier this year, DNA developed the campaign to refresh the Rainier brand and introduce its new light beer, Rainier Summit – a ‘lighter member of the species,’ according to one of the spots.

To launch Rainier Summit, DNA played off the popularity of live webcams of animal nests with a five-day livestream of a larger-than-life nest filled with mysterious Rainier eggs. The nest was tended to by a host of quirky characters, including an eagle, Sasquatch, ‘beer-barians’ and even the famous Pike Place Market fish throwers. The livestream culminated with the eggs hatching, revealing giant cans of Rainier Summit which were celebrated and then excitedly guzzled by all the visiting creatures.


Agency: DNA

Client: Rainier