The power of short sentence copywriting

By Andrew Boulton

October 10, 2013 | 3 min read

Short sentences.

They’re brilliant.

Copywriters love them.

So do customers.

Or rather, so do people.

We know that marketing is everywhere.

Everyone is trying to tell you something.

And then sell you something.

Punchy is a vile word.

What I’m talking about is succinct copy.

That’s why we edit every sentence.

Make every word work hard.

Don’t sacrifice the message.

If the short sentence is weaker, keep it long.

But think first.

Find a way to be concise.

An elegant way.

Make every sentence relevant.

I like most kinds of yoghurt.

See, that might have lost you.

Remember, our copy will get one glance.

If we’re lucky.

That glance won’t tell them everything.

But it should make them read on.

And on.

Until we’ve told them our message.

And asked them to act on it.

Maybe they will.

Maybe they won’t.

But at least they’ve listened.

We read so little of what’s put in front us.

Only the really compelling messages.

And we remember them.


That’s why short sentences are beautiful.

You read one.

And then you simply can’t help it.

You have to read the next.

Follow Andrew on Twitter @Boultini

Andrew Boulton is a copywriter at the Together Agency. Hazelnut yoghurt is an abomination.


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