The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Technical director


Jon is the technical director, the primary source of technical innovation and leadership at Hallam. He is also a certified Scrum Master. He has a wide range of knowledge that spans the entire development cycle, including project management, specification, hosting architecture, development, and after site support.

Having worked in the IT industry for 15 years, and within web and development for more than 10, Jon has expansive experience in many areas of various technical industries. In 2008, Jon set up BigSpring with Hallam’s now Creative Director Julio; and since merging with Hallam in 2017, continues to lead the development and technical teams.

Prior to BigSpring, Jon worked with DSGi PLC in a variety of technical roles, but predominantly across business intelligence. Before this, Jon was a graduate of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the University of Nottingham.