Artificial Intelligence Meta Web3

Unleashing the potential of generative AR/MR/VR and intelligent overlays

By Lauren Chester, Director of tech projects



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June 23, 2023 | 7 min read

The media convergence will revolutionize our industries, says tech enthusiast Lauren Chester of agency Dept, who predicts more user control over in-game experiences and more empowerment for artists.

Woman lying in grass wearing 3D glasses

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) will unlock new levels of immersive content / Pawel Szvmanski

With the latest headset announcements, i.e., Apple's Vision Pro and Meta’s Quest 3, the possibilities for immersive experiences are expanding. As a tech enthusiast, I can't help but get excited about the convergence of these technologies with generative artificial intelligence (AI) and intelligent overlays.

This convergence has the potential to revolutionize industries and unlock groundbreaking experiences. By combining generative AI for content creation and incorporating computer vision and AI-driven overlays, the future of augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), and virtual reality (VR) becomes limitless.

Generative AI in action

Generative AI does what it says on the tin; the models are designed to generate new data, such as images, text, music, or even entire virtual environments. It can generate content that seamlessly blends with our reality, offering dynamic and captivating experiences.

At Dept, we already use generative Al for creative inspiration and increasing productivity, among other things. My team in particular has been using AI in our AR projects to help fuel productivity. By using Midjourney to support the design of our trading card for eBay Comic Con, for example, we were able to deliver the project seven times faster.

On the other hand, intelligent overlays enabled by computer vision and AI hold immense potential for enhancing everyday life. Microsoft's HoloLens has already demonstrated the power of intelligent overlays in industries like healthcare and engineering, providing contextual information and virtual assistance.

Where we’re at right now

The future of AR/MR/VR combined with generative AI and intelligent overlays extends beyond productivity and training. In the automotive industry, extended reality (XR) experiences powered by generative AI can simulate test drives, showcase futuristic car designs, and offer interactive maintenance tutorials.

Educational institutions can utilize AR glasses to overlay 3D models and interactive content, revolutionizing learning for students. Retail and e-commerce can benefit from virtual try-on capabilities, allowing customers to explore products digitally and personalize their shopping experiences.

We’re already seeing the positive effects of AR try-on with 94% higher conversion rates and the use of AR mirrors in-store. Just imagine the conversions when you have the convenience of a virtual shopping stylist experience at home, where you can explore the entire shop, see the latest drops, and receive tailored recommendations for any event or holiday you're attending.

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Where is AR/MR/VR headed?

As the technology continues to advance, the future of AR/MR/VR combined with generative AI and intelligent overlays holds immense potential for further innovation. Think about personalized entertainment or gaming experiences where you control the narrative.

Imagine watching a scene or gaming, with a full-body MR headset, and instead of using a text prompt to generate a response, you can use your actions and movement as a prompt. This action could prompt the AI to generatively change the script and scene around you. Picture advanced simulations for scientific research, immersive art galleries, or even clothes that respond to emotions and environmental factors.

The fusion of generative AI with AR/MR/VR will empower artists, designers, and developers to construct immersive worlds that constantly adapt and respond to user interactions; think walking through a city with AR glasses that provide historical facts, restaurant recommendations, and real-time translations. Sports commentators could access real-time player stats and provide insightful commentary overlaid on the game. The possibilities are truly endless.

Welcoming the media convergence

The convergence of AR/MR/VR with generative AI and intelligent overlays marks a pivotal moment in technology. This convergence will reshape industries, revolutionize education, redefine retail experiences, and unlock unimaginable possibilities in entertainment and beyond.

It is up to innovators, developers, and visionaries to harness the potential of this convergence and pave the way for a future where augmented, mixed, and virtual realities become integral parts of our daily lives.

We are standing on the brink of an augmented future, where the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds dissolve, giving rise to a world limited only by our imagination and creativity.

Artificial Intelligence Meta Web3

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