Telegraph's Jim Freeman - News brands are leading search for audience measurement so why are we always so heavily criticised?

By Jim Freeman, commercial director

October 4, 2014 | 3 min read

Last week I pulled on the shirt to represent the news industry on a panel at another media conference and knew in advance that I would again be playing the role of defender, heading away negative question after negative question.

The presumption of most media commentators is that to be representing a UK news brand is to be involved in some kind of desperate relegation battle. From where I sit at the Telegraph Media Group (TMG), the reality is very different. I struggle to reconcile the negative language I hear with the truth of what's really happening in the news media business.

In all its forms, the Telegraph now reaches a third of the UK population. That's a staggering statistic and, of course, something never achieved at the highest peak of its newspaper circulation.

My industry colleagues in other newsbrand organisations also have positive stories to tell, even though we are not collectively following one formula. Our business models, although different, are in most cases sound.

No single traditional media owner in the world has the absolute answer to transitioning their business in the digital world. The speed of change makes certainty impossible. That fact is true for television, radio and outdoor media companies as well. But make no mistake, positive news and encouraging financial figures are very much part of the news brand story. I am proud to be part of a company which posted an operating profit (pre exceptionals) of £61.2m last year.

At TMG we believe that the future is about diversified revenue streams: this includes advertising, subscriptions, commerce and events. In the mix is a pay meter, in which we invite consumers to subscribe if they read online more than 20 articles a month. Results are encouraging. News UK believe in a pure paywall model and I understand this is working for them too.

Change is forcing Newsbrands to become more enterprising, which can only be a good thing. Different models are evolving from different organisations - just as in television where ITV and Sky have different models ( free vs pay) but both are highly successful and profitable.

The Telegraph has trusted, unrivalled content of the highest quality. Our consumers look to us to make sense of the world. Every new channel, piece of content or new platform we invest in increases the opportunity for advertisers and agencies to communicate with real people in a safe and engaging environment.

In my opinion, news brands are also leading the search for audience measurement that will accurately reflect new audiences and platforms both now and in the future. We are ensuring that we have the most credible and trusted measurement possible.

Should we be seen as troublemakers for wanting to have the best? The TV industry funds a multi billion advertising model based on research from just 5,100 homes. I believe newsbrand research will be far more robust.

It will (hopefully) be a long time before I hang up my boots in this business but, before that moment arrives, I hope to turn out on a media panel and be asked: "Why is it that your industry continues to be so successful?"

Jim Freeman is group sales and trading director at Telegraph Media Group.


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