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Influencers Influencer Campaigns Skincare

The Rise Of The Skinfluencer As The Ultimate Beauty Guru

IMA | Influencer Marketing Agency


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November 12, 2020 | 4 min read

Much is said about the role social media plays in shaping the concept of beauty in our society, and for this reason, it has become one of the top destinations for consumers researching and looking to buy beauty products

Social media has revolutionized the beauty industry in so many ways that we’ve seen a lot of influencers rise from anonymity to become well-known celebrities in the beauty world, by sharing make-up tutorials and reviews. It’s also quite common for influencers to launch their own make-up lines, capitalizing on the authority built through their social channels.

More evidence that beauty is big on social media is the fact that beauty products are the second most engaging product category on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, following only “apparel & accessories”.

However, “beauty” encompasses much more than just make-up, and right now the focus is moving to another direction, leaning much more towards health and tapping into health-oriented wellness trends.

Less Make-Up, More Skincare

Currently, there’s an increased consumer interest in skincare, which has been gradually happening for almost a decade now, but was boosted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Consumers are spending more time at home, while at the same time desiring safety, professional advice, and a clean and well treated skin under their face masks.

In fact, while personal care items such as cleansers and moisturizers have increased by 10% to 20%, 96% of consumers say they would rather buy skincare instead of make-up during the pandemic.

However, talking about dermocosmetics involves touching on topics that are somewhat more complicated than color shades and coverage. Skincare is all about ingredients, percentages and chemical reactions. For this reason, the average consumer often needs much more assistance to understand the products, as they tend to get lost in the decision of what to buy, especially in such a competitive industry with so many options.

That is why the focus on skincare brings about the rise of a different online personality: the skinfluencer. With a lot of expert knowledge on skincare, acquired due to their passion for the topic, more than ever consumers are resorting to skinfluencers to make their skincare decisions.

How Skinfluencers Can Help Strengthen Your Position Among Your Target Audience

Influencers are the primary go-to source for consumers who seek information about beauty products before buying them.

Skinfluencers, however, have an even higher authority on the topic of dermocosmetics, as they are normally a combination of dermatologists, estheticians and skin-care aficionados. In the content they produce, you will likely find them explaining the chemistry of cosmetics and why a very-hard-to-pronounce ingredient will do wonders for your skin.

For this reason, consumers are much more inclined to trust their recommendations and buy what they suggest. Their real-time tutorials offer expectators honest feedback and live results, which comes across as much more relatable and trustworthy for consumers when compared to branded content. These creators are essential for consumers to gather information and guidance in their buying journey and therefore can really move the needle for brands.

However, in order to explore these partnerships to their full potential, it is necessary to give these influencers total freedom to communicate your message with their community.

Because the effects of skincare products are rarely immediately visible, audiences are also much more wary about too-good-to-be-true or one-size-fits-all products. But, by letting go of creative control and letting influencers share not only what they like about your product and how they integrate it in their daily skincare routine, but also what they think it can be improved, your strengths will come across as much more authentic, and you will be able to fully leverage the trust these influencers have built with their audience.

All in all, with the beauty industry being increasingly led towards technology with a clinical approach, consumers rely much more heavily on the opinions and recommendations of skinfluencers, as they represent relatable thought-leaders who will guide them through their skincare decisions. By collaborating with these influencers and giving them full freedom to share their honest opinion with their community, brands can reach directly a very loyal audience.

Influencers Influencer Campaigns Skincare


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