Airport Out Of Home Research

OOH advertising takes flight: here’s how to captivate frequent flyers at airports

Clear Channel Outdoor Americas


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June 12, 2023 | 4 min read

As the travel industry and US airlines recover from the bustling 2023 Memorial Day holiday – a Memorial Day weekend that set new records and was significantly busier than 2019 pre-Covid levels – marketers should take note: there’s a golden opportunity to engage with the increasing number of passengers taking to the skies

As the travel industry and US airlines recover from the bustling 2023 Memorial Day holiday – a Memorial Day weekend that set new records and was significantly busier than 2019 pre-Covid levels – marketers should take note: there’s a golden opportunity to engage with the increasing number of passengers taking to the skies.

In today's fast-paced world, grabbing the attention of consumers is no easy feat. However, there's one advertising medium that continues to soar above the rest — airport advertising. Based on findings from a comprehensive consumer insights study commissioned by Clear Channel Outdoor and conducted by Nielsen Scarborough, the research indicates that out of home (OOH) airport advertising can yield remarkable results. So, fasten your seatbelts as we take a closer look at how airport advertising can skyrocket your brand's reach and influence.

Reaching new heights: The power of airport advertising for frequent flyers

In the highly competitive world of advertising, for frequent flyers, the OOH medium clearly stands out as a dynamic way to capture attention and drive action. This recent study found that 83% of frequent flyers can't help but notice airport advertising, with a remarkable three out of four associating it with high-quality brands. As these jetsetters spend an average of an hour or more in airports, it presents an unrivaled opportunity for brands to make a lasting impression. The study also reveals that, while at the airport, 79% of frequent flyers are eager to try new products, 63% are ready to sign up for travel rewards programs, and 47% are enticed by the idea of capturing a photo at a branded selfie station. It's clear that airport advertising has the power to create immersive brand experiences that leave a lasting impact.

The business frequent flyer takes notice

The research also sheds light on the renewed wave of business frequent flyers, with 87% planning to undertake three or more business trips in the next year. These elite business frequent flyers not only notice airport ads but also take action. Over half recalled ads they saw at the airport, and of those who noticed airport advertising 49% have taken action after seeing an ad. Whether it's visiting a brand's website, downloading an app, or sharing the information with a colleague, these power players are engaging with airport advertisements, and your brand can be at the forefront of their minds.

Boosting brand awareness and unleashing the impact of OOH campaigns

Airport advertising has a significant impact on brand awareness, particularly because they have the rare opportunity to leverage the anticipated, yet undercapitalized, role of dwell time. Given that frequent flyers tend to arrive at the airport well in advance, with 75% arriving at least one hour prior to boarding, brands are able to not only effectively reach an audience but engage with them too. The study reveals that during their airport journey, travelers are more eager to scan QR codes, download coupons, watch movie trailers, sign up for travel rewards programs, and download apps. These actions underscore the effectiveness of airport campaigns in reaching a responsive audience in real time and leaving a lasting impression.

Tapping social media to create engaging ad campaigns

The study also highlights that social media engagement is a highly effective component of airport advertising. Nearly half of frequent flyers are likely to take a photo at a selfie station, while 46% are inclined to post on social media during their dwell time at the airport. Furthermore, these soon-to-be airborne audiences actively share positive brand experiences in the airport on social media or with their friends, presenting lucrative opportunities for brands to incorporate interactive social media components into their airport campaigns, amplifying their reach and fostering user-generated content.

All in all, this new study shows that the potential for airport advertising is sky-high. From the moment travelers step foot in the airport to their departure, airport advertisers have the opportunity to transform dwell time into inspiring and innovative brand experiences. Don't miss out on the opportunity to elevate your brand's reach, engagement, and influence to new heights through the tremendous power of out of home airport advertising.

Airport Out Of Home Research


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