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Underwear brand Bonds spurs outrage over LGBTQ+ Christmas ad


By Dani Gibson, Senior Writer

November 19, 2019 | 6 min read

Clothing brand Bonds has debuted its holiday campaign with a LGBTQ+ couple sharing a kiss and as you would expect, it received mixed reactions.

bonds ad lgbt

Outrage as underwear brand Bonds debuts LGBTQ+ holiday ad

Bonds Australia posted an image, to Instagram, yesterday of two men sitting on a kitchen counter, embracing in a kiss while topless in the brand’s briefs, with the caption 'It’s the little moments that make the Christmas season so special.'

This follows the brand's recent developments in representing diversity to its audience from all demographics with its models.

While many praised the ad, which stars a real-life couple Steve Fernando and Nicolas Rive, the comment section became a battlefield between pro LGBT+ messages and homophobic slurs, describing it as 'unnecessary', 'inappropriate' and 'disgusting'.

The image has now been liked over 10,000 times. Comments were mixed with some believing it "Unnecessary. Why do they need to be so sexual?”, others wanting to know how the ad had “anything to do with Bonds” and some questioning it's relation to Christmas.

Those in the LGBTQ+ community and it's alliances hit back with comments like "Christmas is all about love and acceptance lets not forget the true meaning,' 'Yesss bonds. Beautiful ad showing the love between two adults' and 'Good on Bonds for this! I'm going to buy some undies to support them for including two fellas in their Christmas campaign.'

The Australian Advertising Standards confirmed that although only less than five complaints were made about the ad, they are currently assessing the 'Its the Bonds that make the season' campaign.

General manager of Bonds’ parent company, Hanesbrands, Emily Small backed the ad. To Daily Mail Australia, she said: “Our Christmas campaign is about celebrating the bonds that make the season and those are different for every individual.

"We are a brand that celebrates all Australians and we wish the couple featured in our social post along with everyone else an equally special and enjoyable festive season.”

Check out the latest holiday ads from Australia and New Zealand here, and keep an eye on The Drum's ongoing Christmas coverage.

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