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Media Oracle

Oracle CEO Mark Hurd to take leave of absence


By Taruka Srivastav, Reporter

September 12, 2019 | 3 min read

Oracle has announced that its chief executive officer Mark Hurd will take a leave of absence for health related reasons.

Oracle CEO Mark Hurd to take leave of absence

Oracle CEO Mark Hurd to take leave of absence

He joined Oracle in 2010, bringing more than 30 years of technology industry leadership, computer hardware expertise, and executive management experience to his role with the company.

Mark Hurd managed corporate direction and strategy at Oracle, facilitating company activity in consulting, sales, marketing, alliances and channels, and support.

In an email to Oracle employees, Mark wrote: "Though we all worked hard together to close the first quarter, I've decided that I need to spend time focused on my health. At my request, the Board of Directors has granted me a medical leave of absence. As you all know, Larry, Safra and I have worked together as a strong team, and I have great confidence that they and the entire executive management team will do a terrific job executing the exciting plans we will showcase at the upcoming OpenWorld."

Oracle founder, executive chairman and chief technology officer, Larry Ellison said: "Mark has requested a leave of absence from Oracle to address some health related issues and we all wish him a speedy recovery. Oracle has an extremely capable CEO in Safra Catz and an extraordinarily deep team of executives, many with long tenure at Oracle. Safra and I will cover Mark's responsibilities during his absence with support from the rest of our strong management team."

Safra Catz, Oracle CEO said: "Mark was extremely engaged with the business through the end of our just completed Q1, but now Mark needs to focus on his health. We will miss him at our OpenWorld conference next week, but we understand that he needs to rest and take care of himself."

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