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Carlsberg: ‘We want to become a content hub’


By Natalie Mortimer, N/A

March 30, 2016 | 3 min read

Carlsberg has outlined its desire to become a content hub of both brand created content and user generated content, 18 months since it began work on its online over haul dubbed Pegasus.

The website aims to unite Carlsberg’s 500 plus brands across 160 markets as a way to bring content, product and branding together in one place. So far one element of the Pegasus platform has been implemented in the UK which Carlsberg senior brand manager Dharmesh Rana said has now brought the region's site “technically” up to date.

“[Pegasus] is more reflective of our brand strategy to premiumise, as well as giving a consistent look and feel across global markets. The platform does have e-commerce functionality however it’s not something that we have switched on for the UK at this stage.”

On the content front Carlsberg is focussing on its social channels and in 2016 will hone in on developing engaging content ideas and deploying them across the most appropriate social channels.

“We believe we have a brand campaign that consumers easily understand and we eventually want to become a content hub with both brand created content as well as user generated content,” said Rana.

Carlsberg’s content ambitions were hinted at last year when the maker of Tuborg and Kronenbourg invested in 150 .beer website domains to highlight the premium attributes of its flagship Carlsberg brand and tell stories that “positively impact” the image of beer rather than focusing on the brand.

Speaking to The Drum at the time Jens Jermiin, Carlsberg's vice president of digital, media and content production said that the investment will capitalise on the brewer's array of stories and expand its ability to target consumers.

The acceleration into digital and social channels for the brewer is a lower cost advertising investment in an environment where Carlsberg is streamlining its media investment strategy into more effective online mediums rather than upping marketing pounds across the board.

“As a brand marketer It’s always nice to have more investment, it means you can do more of the nice-to-do things,” added Rana.

“However, more isn’t always the solution and it depends on what objectives you are trying to hit. For the Carlsberg brand in the UK, we have been implementing changes to our media investment strategy - as many other brands have done a and putting more into digital channels so that we can broaden who we reach with more targeted communications. This is definitely an increase in investment for us in this area and not seen as a cost”


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