The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By Gillian West, Social media manager

March 1, 2016 | 1 min read

Geico has taken its ‘Unskippable’ campaign to the next level with new ad push ‘Fast Forward’.

Created by The Martin Agency, the series of 15-second films feature a sequence of random events that Geico hopes viewers won’t be able to click away from.

Within seconds of starting the ads jump to some truly bizarre endings in a bid to entice viewers to click away from what they intended to watch to fill in the plot gaps.

Here we’ve featured ‘Hike’ which sees a pair of hikers treading on the side of a cliff before fast forwarding to the pair, now in the clutches of a giant bird as one of them plays the saxophone.

To see more ads in the series, check out Geico’s YouTube page.

Agency: The Martin Agency

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