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Sony to spill the beans on PlayStation 4 later tonight


By John Glenday, Reporter

February 20, 2013 | 2 min read

Sony is set to unveil the biggest update to its PlayStation brand since the PlayStation 3 at a lavish launch event in New York later on tonight.

Industry bigwigs, journalists and analysts are converging on the city in eager anticipation of what the Japanese electronics giant might pull from its sleeves.

The event is being cloaked in secrecy before then with no official confirmation that the event is even for the PlayStation 4 but the expectation is that some form of grand unveil will take place to head off any likely leaks.

Sources predict that the devices controller will be debuted at the evening along with some hard and fast details on the likely makeup of the devices hardware, in addition to details of in development launch titles.

Sony is expected to remain tight lipped on price and release schedules however, mindful that amongst those sifting through their info will be Microsoft who are poised to put their own cards on the table in the next generation videogame battle.

Most expect a launch to take place this autumn however as Sony looks to give itself a crucial head start over its arch rival.


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