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iPad3 speculation hits fever pitch with one in every 2000 searches about the Apple device


By John Glenday, Reporter

March 7, 2012 | 1 min read

Internet chatter relating to today’s expected launch of the iPad3 has hit fever pitch according to search data analysis from Experian Hitwise, who report that 1 in every 2000 searches were iPad 3 related at its peak.

The analytics firm found that key search terms consumers associated with Apple’s latest gadget were ‘release’ (19%), ‘rumours’ (1.5%) and ‘flash’ (0.1%).

Despite the announcement being just hours away there is still no hard and fast confirmation from Apple that the iPad 3 will be showcased.

This has led to the official Apple site drawing just 0.5% of iPad 3 search clicks – with the bulk of traffic heading instead to the likes of CNET, the Daily Mail and BBC News.

It has also caused a spike in searches for ‘Apple TV’ with some convinced that Apple may pull a rabbit out of the hat with an update of their multimedia team.


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