The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

-d -h -min -sec


By Noel Young, Correspondent

February 8, 2012 | 3 min read

So finally here are the Nielsen ratings for the Super Bowl ads.

Clint Eastwood's "Halftime in America" may have been the most talked about ad among media people - but it was the viewers' eighth best-liked spot of the entire Super Bowl, according to research from Nielsen.

The biggest winner was Doritos' "Sling Baby" commercial, in which a grandmother catapults a baby to snatch a bag of chips. Viewers liked it best, Nielsen reported , and remembered the brand Doritos better than any other Super Bowl ad.

Another Doritos spot, in which a dog bribes his owner with chips after burying the family cat, was second-favourite and third most-recalled.

Chevy's "Unhappy Grad" commercial, featured earlier the Drum, also made the best-liked list.

The average Super Bowl commercial was 42% better-liked and triggered brand recall 34% more effectively than commercials that aired in January, Nielsen said.

Nielsen Top 10 Most-Remembered 2012 Super Bowl Ads

Brand / Description/ Recall Index

1/ Doritos/ Grandma catapults baby to get Doritos/ 177

2/ M&M's/ M&M shows his milk chocolate/ 175

3/ Doritos/ Dog buries cat and bribes owner with snack chips/ 173

4/ Skechers/ Bulldog moonwalks across the finish line / 164

5/ Coca-Cola/ Polar bear has trouble catching bottle/ 163

6/ Bud Light/ Dog fetches drinks when name is called/ 161

7/ Pepsi/ Melanie Amaro dumps Sir Elton John into dungeon/ 155

8/ Budweiser/ People drink beer from Prohibition's end until today . 150

9/ GoDaddy / Body painting a model/ 149

10/ Budweiser/ Celebrating the end of Prohibition/ 145

Nielsen Top 10 Best-Liked 2012 Super Bowl Ads

Brand / Description / Likeability Index

1/ Doritos/ Grandma catapults baby to get Doritos / 190

2/ Doritos/ Dog buries cat and bribes owner with snack chips/ 182

3/ M&M's/ M&M shows his milk chocolate/ 171

4/ E-Trade/ Baby gives new dad financial advice/ 158

5/ Coca-Cola/ Polar bear crosses everything for luck/ 152

6/ Bud Light / Dog brings drinks when name called/ 143

7/ Audi/ Vampires burn up from car headlights/ 139

8/ Chrysler/ Clint Eastwood talks about Detroit/ 137

9/ Chevrolet/ Graduate mistakes his graduation gift/ 130

10/ Honda/ Matthew Broderick plays sick/. 129

Source: Nielsen 2/7/12

The Nielsen method: The Recall score, AdAge reminds us, is the percentage of viewers who recall the brand of an ad they were exposed to during the normal course of viewing the Super Bowl. These scores are then indexed against the average score for all Super Bowl ads (Recall Index). 100 equals average. With a Recall Index of 177, the Doritos Baby ad was 77% better-recalled than the average Super Bowl spot.

The Likeability score is the percentage of viewers who like "a lot" an ad they were exposed to viewing the Super Bowl, among those recalling the brand of the ad. Scores were indexed against the average score for all Super Bowl ads (Likeability Index). 100 equals average. For example, with a Likeability Index of 190, the Doritos Baby ad was almost twice as much liked as the average Super Bowl spot.