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Radio Times Channel 5

Radio Times apologise for ‘rogue member’ in Marine picture


By The Drum Team, Editorial

January 24, 2012 | 1 min read

Radio Times has apologised after it published a picture of the Royal Marines’ 42 Commando unit, supplied by the Channel 5 publicity office, not realising that one of the Marines was flashing.

The picture was used to promote the documentary Royal Marines: Mission Afghanistan.

It has been redacted from the website but the magazine went to print before the picture was noticed.

One reader wrote to the Radio Times saying "I know that British soldiers serving in Afghanistan are well equipped, but seeing the roll call of Royal Marines gives the expression a whole new meaning.”

The magazine said in its apology post: ‘What we took to be the marine’s finger proved, on closer inspection, to be another part of his anatomy.’

Ben Preston, Radio Times editor, said: "We apologise for any upset caused to readers by the rogue member of 42 Commando.”

Radio Times Channel 5

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