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Cunningham appointed as new chairman for MG ALBA by Ofcom


By The Drum Team, Editorial

December 19, 2011 | 1 min read

Ofcom has appointed Maggie Cunningham as the new chairman of the organisation which funds Gaelic programming MG ALBA.

Cunningham, currently an executive and leadership coach with Perform2Success, will take over from Alasdair Morrison who has been chairman since July 2008, overseeing the launch of BBC AlBA in the process.

Cunningham said: “I am delighted to be appointed and look forward to working with the board of MG ALBA to build upon Alasdair’s considerable contribution over the past three and a half years which has seen the launch of BBC ALBA.”

Colette Bowe, Chairman of Ofcom, added: “Maggie Cunningham combines senior broadcasting experience with a commitment to the future of the Gaelic language.

“My colleagues in Ofcom join me in wishing her every success in taking forward her vision for Gaelic broadcasting.

“I would also like to record the gratitude of Ofcom for the significant role played by Alasdair Morrison in furthering the cause of Gaelic broadcasting during his term as Chairman, particularly in the establishment of BBC ALBA.”


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