The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By The Drum Team, Editorial

December 12, 2011 | 1 min read

A host of familiar faces from the Manchester media scene are appearing in a new video for the MPA.

Created by Manchester-based Wallop Video, the video was first shown at this year's MPA Christmas Party, which attracted more than 500 guests.

Cindy Simmons, managing director of the MPA, said the video had been created to reflect how far the organisation - formerly known as the Manchester Publicity Association - had come and its aims for the future.

Simmons told The Drum: "During the summer we spoke to lots of different groups and really looked at what the MPA stands for. We took a step back to see where we should be going.

"Collaboration is at the core of what the MPA is about and that's what we wanted to articulate in the video."

The MPA now stands at 1500 members and Simmons hopes to double this number next year.

The organisation's Christmas party, held last Wednesday at The Point, raised £4000 for charity.