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Barack Obama signs up to Google+


By John Glenday, Reporter

November 24, 2011 | 1 min read

Seeking reelection in 2012 US President Barack Obama has signed up to the abortive ‘Facebook killer’ Google+ in an attempt to drum up votes ahead of next year’s election.

The US President has been an enthusiastic social networker from the off, harnessing the power of Facebook and Twitter to galvanise and organise his supporters into a foemidable political machine.

Obama’s endorsement of the social network will also be greeted with relief by Google execs alarmed by a tail off in interest in their pet project.

A relatively muted reception thus far illustrates the mountain Google still has to climb however, with Obama’s initial musings (penned by an aide) +1’d by mere hundreds.

Obama’s Facebook account by contrast boast over 24m ‘likes’.


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