NSDesign urges Scottish businesses to review social media policies


By Ishbel Macleod, PR and social media consultant

November 9, 2011 | 2 min read

Gary Ennis, managing director of Glasgow digital marketing agency NSDesign, and Eilidh Wiseman, partner and head of employment law at Dundas & Wilson, told businesses to review their social media policies at Customer Contact Association’s (CCA) Annual Global Customer Convention yesterday.

‘The Connected Customer’ themed event urges Scottish businesses to continually review their social media policy, partially to prevent from coming under any legal difficulties.

Ennis said: “Social media is still a relatively new phenomenon, and whilst it gives businesses a fantastic opportunity to develop communications, it can result in serious legal difficulties if used incorrectly. Social media platforms should be treated as a public space – if you would not say something in a business meeting or in an interview with a journalist, don’t say it online.”

“A social media policy should explain the key do’s and don’ts for good practice, and as long as it is kept under continuous review, business owners should be actively encouraging all their employees to get involved.”

Wiseman suggested: “If the last few years are anything to go by, social media will remain in a state of permanent evolution. Employers need to keep their policy under review to keep ahead of the risks.

“While the responsibility for reviewing the social media policy may rest with HR or IT, they need to ensure that input is obtained from other social media users including marketing, PR and customer complaints. Joining up all the dots is key to ensuring that employers present a holistic social media strategy which covers the bigger picture.”

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