The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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By The Drum Team, Editorial

November 3, 2011 | 2 min read

Curb, the natural media company, which is well known for a range of high-profile stunts, has announced that it is to launch three new divisions, including one that aims to bring new sensory experiences - such as smell and sound - to the outdoor advertising industry.

Based in London the operation, which employs six staff and turns over around £500,000, works in partnership with agencies to give outdoor campaigns a newsworthy element.

Clients include Warner Bros and Canadian agency Lowe Roche, where they helped launch the film Contagious with two billboard impregnated with bacteria (see video above).

As the bacteria grew the film name appeared. Around 400,000 people watch a film about the project on YouTube within days of it being posted. It made Forbes Top 10 ads list.

Said company founder, Ant Ganjou: “That is what we are all about. We want to encourage people to film, tweet and talk about our work through social media. When is the last time you saw somebody photograph a normal billboard. But they will photograph our work.”

The two new operations will deal in the sensory and kinetic sectors. The sensory operation will experiment with surround sound installations and is also in negotiation with a cosmetic company about having perfumed billboards.

The kinetic operation will aim to create projects which rely on the public to activate. In one project the public will be invited to dance on floors tiles, which will generate electricity to illuminate a display.

The company has also launched into the world of gamification with the launch of a new initiative called The organisations will offer people points and vouchers based on how many miles they cycle, using an affiliate model to generate cash.

Companies will be invited to encourage their staff to use Please Cycle in order to boost their environmental credentials. Reckitt and Benckiser has already signed up to the scheme.

The Drum will publish an interview with Ant Ganjou in the next issue.

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