
MiManual of Modern Marketing offers yearbook chapter exclusivity to agencies across the UK


By The Drum Team, Editorial

August 23, 2011 | 3 min read

A new take on MiNetwork's yearbook will see its MiManual of Modern Marketing offer agencies guaranteed chapter exclusivity to make themselves famous to 3,000 clients.

MiManual of Modern Marketing will consist of 25 in-depth chapters, each focusing on a different area of the marketing sector and each chapter written by an expert in that particular area who will outline the impact and ROI it can give to clients and how that particular sector has moved on durin g the last decade as digital marketing techniques have become increasingly popular. Contributors will also be encouraged to use case study material to demonstrate how their expertise can impact on a client’s revenue, profits and overall business.The book will distributed to 3,000 clients across the UK and to ensure that it is sent to the type of clients want to raise their profiles with, each contributor to the book will be invited to nominate up to 100 clients that they would like their book distributed to.

Another exciting initiative will see all contributors to the book invited to host a roundtable session with other potential clients and partners at a conference that MiNetwork is planning for early next year, the MiFuture Conference, at which marketing and media luminaries will speak to delegates about the future for the various areas of the marketing and media industries. This one-day conference is scheduled to take place in London in February and will give those involved in MiManual the opportunity to take their expertise off the page and present it face to face as they discuss the future of their particular sector and how it is adapting to remain relevant.

Richard Draycott, managing director of MiNetwork, said: “MiManual and MiFuture are both very exciting initiatives that will offer MiNetwork members two opportunities to build their profiles and position themselves as leaders in their area of expertise to a client audience that they want to work with. MiManual is not just pretty pictures, but gives agencies the chance to really own a chapter as they will be the only agency of their type involved in this publication. Taking the contributors off the page next year at MiFutures will also be a great opportunity for agencies to meet potential clients and partners face to face again to position themselves as real industry leader."

MiNetwork Corporate members are entitled to a 10% discount on entry to the book, while Elite members are entitled to a 20% discount. Further details are available online at the MiNetwork website.

If you would like to demonstrate your marketing expertise to 3,000 clients and position your agency as market leader contact Chris Morton on 0141 559 6068 or email him directly.


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