Ofcom News Corp Jeremy Hunt

Analyst: only 10% chance of BSkyB deal going through


By The Drum Team, Editorial

July 11, 2011 | 1 min read

An analyst at Panmure Gordon stockbrokers has suggested that there is now only a 10% chance of the News Corp takeover of BSkyB going ahead.

Alex DeGroote said that the chances of the takeover happening changed on Friday.

He told the Press Association: "On Friday we cut our probability of the deal going ahead to 50:50 from 90:10 in favour. This seems very optimistic now. Our new assessment is 10:90 in favour. In other words, we believe the deal is all but dead."

DeGroote also suggested the possibility of a forced divestiture of News Corp's 39% shareholding in BSkyB.

Ofcom News Corp Jeremy Hunt

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