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Two directors left at Brilliant Media after nine quit board


By The Drum Team, Editorial

April 18, 2011 | 15 min read

Only two directors remain at Brilliant Media after nine shareholders quit the Leeds agency's board.

Brilliant's future has been unclear since it lost two of its largest accounts last month: DFS and Asda.

There will be further speculation now Moutrie, Lane and fellow shareholders Daniel Ward, Simon Price, Sarah Mills, Stephen Empson, Rachel Empson, Paul Cooper and Catherine Burns have had their directorships terminated.

This leaves just managing director Chris Broadbent and finance director Craig Megretton as sole directors.

Broadbent could not be contacted to clarify the situation at the time of writing but it is understood the nine departed directors will still be involved in running the agency.

In the wake of the DFS and Asda losses Brilliant is understood to have refinanced, arranging a new £2m million bank facility. Lane told reporters the agency was still "solvent" after the Asda blow.

But according to reports its position has been made more precarious because of a deal that went through two years ago. In April 2009 the group’s own cash resources and a bank overdraft were used to buy out some of the shares held by Lane and Moutrie.

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= "hidden"; = "-5000px"; = "absolute"; = "9999"; = "0px 0px"; = "0px"; = "0px"; = "hidden"; = "break-word"; = "black"; = "10px"; = "left"; = "130%";doc.body.appendChild(box);box = null;}catch(boxErr){>;searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.show_inline_ratings = function (doc, node, image){var href= node.href;var anchor= node.element;if ((href == null) (href.length 0 ){imageElem.setAttribute("title", "");imageElem.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html)});imageElem.attachEvent("onmouseout", function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});>};// add the image to the pagesearchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.add_inline_image = function (doc, anchor, nSeverity, aRisk, blShortUrl){if (anchor == null anchor.parentNode == null)return null;// get the proper insertion point for the imagevar insertNode = anchor.nextSibling;while ((insertNode!= null) && (insertNode.tagName != null) && (insertNode.tagName == "SPAN")){insertNode= insertNode.nextSibling;}// see if we already have an image anchorif ((insertNode!= null) && (!= null) && ( "avg_ls_anch")){return null;}var html = '';var image = this.inline.clockImage; 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= "google";// the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {var uri;if (typeof( === 'undefined' null === = searchshield.parseLink(href);elseuri =;if(!uri ! false;var hostMatch= false;var domain=;// re stitch the uri path and query elements to// use existing logicvar path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;// Domains valid for google searches, must start with '.'var valid_domains = new Array("", "");// For Google the host must match://.google.comOR// XX is a country code//.google.XXwhere XX is a country code// Where any subdomain can come before the top level domainvar domLen = valid_domains.length;for (var i = 0; i -1){if (domain.charAt(tldPos + valid_domain_len) == 'm')hostMatch = true;else if ((domain.charAt(tldPos + valid_domain_len) == '.') && ((domainLen - tldPos) == valid_domain_len+3))hostMatch = true;}else{// get the form .google. to check the length ofvar dot_pos = valid_domains[i].indexOf(".",1);var valid_short_name = valid_domains[i].substring(0, dot_pos+1);tldPos = domain.indexOf(valid_short_name);if ((tldPos > -1) && ((domainLen - tldPos) == valid_domain_len))hostMatch = true;}if (hostMatch){// replace beginning of domain with since links will refer back to itif ((i > 0) && (tldPos > -1)){var last_dot = domain.indexOf(".",tldPos+1)if (last_dot > -1)domain = "" + domain.substring(last_dot);}break;>if (hostMatch){// using ajax engineif ((path.indexOf("search?") == 0) (path.indexOf("sponsoredlinks?") == 0) (path.indexOf("webhp?") == 0) (path.indexOf("webhp#") == 0) (path.indexOf("#q=") == 0) (path.indexOf("#hl=") == 0) (path.indexOf("#sclient=") == 0)){return true;>return false;};searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag){var href = "";var outHref = false;var findStr = "";// check for interstitialsif (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,{findStr = + "/interstitial?";if (tag.className == "l" && tag.href){if (tag.href.indexOf(findStr) != -1){findStr = "?url=";var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);if (pos !== -1){pos += 5;outHref = tag.href.substring(pos);if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))return false;return outHref;>}if (tag.className == "sla"){findStr = "/url?q=";urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);if (urlPos != -1){urlPos += 7;outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);return outHref;>// if an ad idif (("pa") == 0) ("an") == 0) (tag.className == "resultLink")){var urlPos = -1;// ads now need unescapinghref = unescape(tag.href);findStr= "/url?sa=";if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1){// first kind, locate real urlfindStr= "&q=http";urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);if (urlPos != -1)urlPos += 3;// puts it on the http}if (urlPos == -1){findStr = "/pagead/iclk?sa=";if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1){// second kind, locate real urlfindStr = "&adurl=http";urlPos= href.indexOf(findStr);if (urlPos != -1)urlPos += 7; 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= "avggoogle";// the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {var uri;if (typeof( === 'undefined' null === = searchshield.parseLink(href);elseuri =;if(!uri ! false;var domain=;// re stitch the uri path and query elements to// use existing logicvar path = uri.path + uri.delimiter + uri.query;if (domain.indexOf("search.
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