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locations4business site launches with Pixel8 branding


By The Drum Team, Editorial

February 25, 2010 | 2 min read

A new website providing information for companies looking to expand, relocate to or set up in the UK has been launched with branding and design from Manchester agency Pixel8.

The locations4business website provides "comprehensive and comparable" information for any business looking to open up in a new location in the UK.

Jamie Watson, joint managing director of Pixel8, explained: "With locations4business, we created a brand then designed and built a database-driven website running to thousands of pages. We have also laid the groundwork for major online marketing and offline advertising campaigns.”

The site will be marketed by online and offline PR, print advertising, online advertising, SEO, social media and affiliate marketing.

It plans to extend its database and services into Europe and the rest of the world by the summer.

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