The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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The Roses party

By The Drum, Administrator

May 19, 2005 | 2 min read

More than 400 people packed into The Palace Hotel in Manchester on 5 May to see Scotland’s creative guys wipe the floor with their English counterparts. And it seems that the English didn’t take it too well. £5 notes were scattered around the hotel and when some unsuspecting soul picked one up (thinking they had just scored a free fiver) they discovered the note was fake and also had an abusive message written on the back such as ‘wanker’, ‘twat’ or ‘bitch’. So, who was the naughty boy? If you know who the phantom five pound fiend was let us know. The night took the traditional route for a Roses event – plenty of drinking, fine food, a rowdy awards ceremony and it was all topped off with a little altercation between two fine fellows in the bar at around 2am. They should be ashamed of themselves, but not as ashamed as the two ladies that also apparently had a little tête-à -tête with each other. Also, another man who should be ashamed of himself is Chris Watson of The Leith who allegedly ended up spending the night in Macclesfield. Apparently it was not all it was cracked up to be!


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