The Drum Awards Festival - Extended Deadline

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Wish upon a star

By The Drum, Administrator

October 8, 2004 | 19 min read

Name: Gemma Walton.

Date and place of birth: 13 Jun 1976, Edinburgh.

Job Title: Account director.

Company: 1576 Advertising.

Career to date: Saatchi and Saatchi; Wonderworks London, 1576.

What job did you want when you were young: Aged 9 I swithered between pathology and criminal psychology – the common theme is probably nosiness.

Biggest professional achievement: Beating thousands of other applicants to get one of only eight places at Saatchi and Saatchi through sheer determination, hard work and individuality of thought.

Professional goals: To keep learning and striving for improvement for myself, 1576 and my clients.

Describe yourself in five words: Five words just aren’t enough.

Professional role model: My cousin’s son who is eight. He remains enthusiastic no matter what, learns a new thing every day and never lets self-doubt hinder him.

What do you bring to your company: Experience, enthusiasm, loyalty, a collaborative approach and the ability to keep our clients coming back for more.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Truthfully, managing my empire from a balcony in Venice – Bellini cocktail in hand.

Professional pet hates: Lateness, people who constantly interrupt and those who ingratiate themselves to some and speak down to others.

Name: Harry Hussain.

Date and place of birth: 21 January 1976, High Wycombe.

Job Title: Senior account manager.

Company: the BIG partnership.

Career to date: Fishburn Hedges, BIG.

What job did you want when you were young: Spiderman’s.

Biggest professional achievement: Pitching for and winning a place on the Scottish Executive’s PR roster.

Professional goals: To eventually run my own business. To establish better media contacts in Scotland, as I’ve only been up here for five months.

Describe yourself in five words: Always up for a challenge.

Professional role model: Winston Churchill.

What do you bring to your company: Charm, according to my boss. As the only man in the Edinburgh office, I’ve also been able to impart the intricacies of the offside rule to my colleagues.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Hopefully leading an extremely successful and ambitious PR team, who are dedicated to the cause of persuading client marketing managers to part with their money.

Professional pet hates: People being late for meetings, whistling at work, and marketing jargon.

Name: Helen Grimley.

Date and place of birth: 27 July 1977, Middlesbrough.

Job Title: Senior designer.

Company: Navyblue.

Career to date: Placement with Yellow M in Newcastle. Junior - senior designer at Navy Blue.

What job did you want when you were young: Fashion designer.

Biggest professional achievement: Becoming a senior designer at one of the most successful design consultancies in Scotland in the first five years of my career.

Professional goals: Constantly producing creative and inspiring work. To always love what I do and never dread Monday mornings.

Describe yourself in five words: Creative, sensitive, fun, ambitious, social.

Professional role model: I admire honest, hardworking, passionate people who set themselves goals and go out and make them happen.

What do you bring to your company: Creativity, a lively personality and hard work.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: I see myself moving up to a new position within this industry, making a difference at board level, always learning and helping others achieve there goals.

Professional pet hates: Design industry ego's, printers errors, computers, deadlines!

Name: Jennifer Wilson.

Date and place of birth: 3 January 1975, Edinburgh.

Job Title: National donor publicity manager.

Company: Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service.

Career to date: Marketing for MDI Systems Ltd, Shaw Marketing and Design.

What job did you want when you were young: Air hostess, fashion buyer and interior designer – all rolled into one!

Biggest professional achievement: Our new TV ad was researched, produced and on air at a speed Kelly Holmes herself would have applauded, so that’s definitely one. It’s had a magnificent response from the Scottish public, too.

Professional goals: I’m trying to write a novel, but have so many ideas at the moment it’s complete mish mash!

Describe yourself in five words: Constantly worried about blood stocks!

Professional role model: Dracula. Definitely.

What do you bring to your company: Commitment. I do love my job!

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Hopefully in cahoots with some mad scientist who has invented fake blood we can safely transfuse into real people. My work here would be done and I’d sail off to the Caribbean and sip cocktails!

Professional pet hates: At one memorable research group, I watched six non-donors through a one-way mirror. One guy started ranting: “Why should we give our blood away for free? They should pay us!” I could have wept.

Name: Jo Dain.

Date and place of birth: 19 Sept 1976 in Wolverhampton.

Job Title: Account manager.

Company: Euro RSCG Leedex.

Career to date: Litmus Ltd in Leeds, Weber Shandwick, Euro RSCG Leedex.

What job did you want when you were young: Policewomen – influenced by Juliet Bravo (sad but true).

Biggest professional achievement: When I was selected to account manage the Bell’s Scottish Football League account I wondered if my sporting, and football knowledge in particular, would allow me to jump to the top of the league or be left sitting on the subs bench! Two years on and the account continues to be an outstanding success.

Professional goals: To continue to be happy and fulfiled in my job and know that I have worked my socks off and contributed to the success of my clients’ businesses.

Describe yourself in five words: To good to go unnoticed.

Professional role model: I have several role models and the one thing that they have in common is that they have followed their dream and succeeded no matter what obstacles have been thrown at them.

What do you bring to your company: A positive climate in which others in the company can feel motivated, contribute freely and enhance their core strengths.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Heading up Leedex.

Professional pet hates: People who put off tasks until the last minute.

Name: Keavy McMinn.

Date and place of birth: 18 November 1976, Ireland.

Job Title: Director.

Company: Minimetre.

Career to date: Set up own company shortly after art school

What job did you want when you were young: Beach lifeguard.

Biggest professional achievement: Working for myself.

Professional goals: To maintain a level of commercial and creative success that will keep me busy, motivated and happy.

Describe yourself in five words: Enthusiastic, determined, creative, sociable, reliable.

Professional role model: I'm usually inspired, influenced and supported most by my freelance peers.

What do you bring to your company: Creativity and professionalism.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: I hope to be still working within the design field. I'll aim to keep open and flexible to whatever opportunities present themselves.

Professional pet hates: Websites that makes me work/think too much.

Name: Kelly Paterson.

Date and place of birth: 16 September 1977, Glasgow.

Job Title: PR account manager.

Company: Clayton Graham Communications.

Career to date: Varied. All in the communications industry including Glasgow, London and Sydney.

What job did you want when you were young: Long distance lorry driver.

Biggest professional achievement: Launching the new BMW Z4 in Sydney, Australia.

Professional goals: To create a positive image of CGC PR.

Describe yourself in five words: Tall, communicative, friendly, hard-working.

Professional role model: My dad - started as a bin man and is now director of communications at the UK's Food & Drink Federation.

What do you bring to your company: Much needed height and Chinese food for those left standing after a CGC night out.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Director of our fabulously busy PR department.

Professional pet hates: Luvey-dahlings.

Name: Louise Walker.

Date and place of birth: 06 July 1978, Irvine

Job Title: Research manager.

Company: George Street Research.

Career to date: Worked my way up at George Street Research

What job did you want when you were young: An archaeologist – I’ve always been a bit nosey and wanted to find out more about things (although thankfully I now don’t work with a bunch of fossils)

Biggest professional achievement: Promotion to research manager and recognition that experience is not just about age.

Professional goals: My own agency!

Describe yourself in five words: Inquisitive, positive, passionate, unique, focused.

Professional role model: Jo Fawcett, my MD.

What do you bring to your company: Enthusiasm and an open mind. Knowledge, realism and resourcefulness to ensure creative thinking is practical and of value......and a bit of fun.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Opening the Vancouver office and doing a bit of snowboarding on the side

Professional pet hates: Tunnel vision – people who only consider their own needs

Name: Lynsey Fusco.

Date and place of birth: 16 November 1980, Edinburgh.

Job Title: Account manager.

Company: Navigator Responsive Advertising.

Career to date: Standard Life ad department where I worked on the "Baby James" campaign. Strathearn Advertising. Then Navigator.

What job did you want when you were young: Everything from hairdresser to vet to nurse to air stewardess (with quick promotion to Pilot of course).

Biggest professional achievement: Being promoted to account manager at 22 was a big thing at the time but I think the biggest achievement is the work I've done on ScottishPower.

Professional goals: In the long term, my main focus is being the best I can be at my job. In the shorter term, I want to complete the IDM Diploma which I've just started.

Describe yourself in five words: Motivated, driven and good fun.

Professional role model: Erin Brockovich - she put her heart and soul into what she did.

What do you bring to your company: A fresh outlook, enthusiasm, determination, a willingness to learn and - I hope - a smile.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: That's a tough one. I'm happy where I am, with what I do and who I do it for but things change so quickly in this industry who knows where I'll be in five years' time.

Professional pet hates: People settling for anything less than the highest standard.

Name: Michael Kinlan.

Date and place of birth: 3 Nov 1979, Billingham.

Job Title: Creative.

Company: The Leith Agency.

Career to date: Freelanced for a bit after college, had a placement at the Bridge for 7ish months. Got a job at the Leith where I've been for one and a half years.

What job did you want when you were young:The posh bloke that helped Hercule Poirot on telly.

Biggest professional achievement: Getting any campaign/poster/press ad/tv script/mailer/line of copy/

approved by Gerry.

Professional goals: To make sure I don't end up thinking advertising is the most important thing ever.

Describe yourself in five words: Kind, gentle, caring, not gay.

Professional role model: Jimmy Saville. No, no, I mean Peter.

What do you bring to your company: IT problems.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Don’t know, still trying to do good work somewhere.

Name: Michael Stalker.

Date and place of birth: 21 Aug 1977, Hexham General.

Job Title: Art director.

Company: Family.

Career to date: 6 years - Union Advertising Agency, 1 week - 1576, 11 months and counting - Family.

What job did you want when you were young: A clown (I guess I got somewhere close).

Biggest professional achievement: Having Paul Shearer of Wieden Kennedy, Amsterdam (a judge at the Scottish Advertising Awards) single out a campaign as his favourite and very original. I like to be original.

Professional goals: Pencils, pencils and more pencils.

Describe yourself in five words: Driven. Passionate. Stubborn. Greedy. Happy.

Professional role model: Steven Drummond. Naturally gifted art director, great mentor, sound advisor and good friend.

What do you bring to your company: My ipod , my lunch and a passion for great creative.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Building a shelf for my pencils, in a new house in the country.

Professional pet hates: Good ideas dying because they take people out of their comfort zones. When an agency grows and loses it’s spirit. Mismatched partnerships that kill creativity.

Name: Oli Norman.

Date and place of birth: Glasgow, February 1978.

Job Title: Managing director.

Company: DADA.

Career to date: I started out as a commercial lawyer in Scotland before moving out to the Far East working across Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. I then returned to the UK and worked in TV in development in London and Glasgow.

What job did you want when you were young: An Astronaut, and I would have made it if I hadn't been born in Britain with bad eyesight.

Biggest professional achievement: Handling over $1billion of deals while in the Far East and reaching over 10,000 DADA members within 6 months.

Professional goals: To create a world beating Scottish company.

Describe yourself in five words: One will do fine - cool.

Professional role model: Now to destroy my 'cool' label, it would have to be my dad.

What do you bring to your company: A vision and drive to continually push the boundaries of what we are doing.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: At the helm of a team who are the market leaders in our field throughout the UK and beyond...

Professional pet hates: Leaving the seat up. I work mainly with women and it is considered highly unprofessional.

Name: Paul Mason

Date and place birth: 21 October 1974, Scotland.

Job Title: Copywriter.

Company: Newhaven.

Career to date: Placement at the Bridge; 14 months at the Union; Newhaven.

What job did you want when you were young: Electrician.

Biggest professional achievement: Getting a much sought after Job with Newhaven.

Professional goals: Pencils.

Describe yourself in five words: Is this a dating agency?

Professional role model: Mark Harrison.

What do you bring to your company: Fresh ideas.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Featuring in the drums '35 under 35' feature.

Professional pet hates: Know it alls, they generally know f**k all.

Name: Rebecca Shinn

Date and place of birth: 12 Oct 1974, Sheffield.

Job Title: Advertising manager.

Company: Search Consultancy.

Career to date: Cumbrian Business Gazette; Guardian Newspapers Ltd; TMP Worldwide.

What job did you want when you were young: Recruitment advertising manager. Honestly.

Biggest professional achievement: Realising the media world didn’t end with the Cumbrian Business Gazette.

Professional goals: To stop anyone including “the successful candidate will” in their ad. To have an office with a big sofa and a pool table. To become professional.

Describe yourself in five words: Defensive

Professional role model: Fiona Proudler. But Fiona, PLEASE stop nominating me for these things.

What do you bring to your company: Haribo Starmix and money for anyone who’ll go for bacon and tattie scone rolls. Occasional good ad idea and some kind of organisation.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Give me a break – I’ve got to deal with my 30th in 4 days.

Professional pet hates: People who are up their own backsides.

Name: Robert Stevenson.

Date and place of birth: 04 Dec 1976, Glasgow.

Job Title: Graphic designer

Company: Dunning Design.

Career to date: Dunning Design; Lewis Design; Jim Thomson Graphic Design.

What job did you want when you were young: I always fancied the wrecking ball at the demolition yard.

Biggest professional achievement: Learning to use a mac properly, without it everything else would just be good ideas that never see the light of day.

Professional goals: See more of the world.

Describe yourself in five words: Slightly mad.

Professional role model: John Young - Jim Thomson Graphic Design.

What do you bring to your company: Sandwiches and tales of holidays.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: In a studio by the beach, where the sun is high, the days are long and the surf never goes flat.

Professional pet hates: Bad typography.

Name: Rohan Lepps

Date and place of birth: 29 Sept 1978. New Delhi, India

Job Title: Account manager

Company: WWAV Rapp Collins

Career to date: Agency and client side. Majority in ATL.

What job did you want when you were young: A fitness instructor. Probably the reason account management suits me well; it entails pretty much the same – servicing clients, making them buy into your pitch and ensuring they look good.

Biggest professional achievement: Was probably with Grey Worldwide on the Domino’s Pizza account. Little experience, no account director or manager to shadow and a very demanding client, not only encouraged me to learn fast, but also fuelled the passion.

Professional goals: Self-motivated and achievement orientated, committed to learning and actively contributing towards the art of building successful brands.

Describe yourself in five words: Passionate, committed, ambitious, inspiring & diplomatic.

Professional role model: I would have to say I’ve had and probably will have many role models influencing my way. To name a few: Azim Premji (Wipro), Richard Branson, Hilary Clinton...

What do you bring to your company: Enthusiasm and an overwhelming drive make things happen. Simply put, ‘smiling success for all’.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Will keep you posted.

Professional pet hates: Probably failure.

Name: Ross Laurie

Date and place of birth: 31 Dec 1974, Edinburgh.

Job Title: Managing director.

Company: Line.

Career to date: Interesting.

What job did you want when you were young: Architect.

Biggest professional achievement: Building Line into the company it is today. I am delighted with the team we are building as this is the key strength of any agency. We are building from an excellent customer base and the market is perfect for us going forward – we’re just warming up.

Professional goals: Short term – to develop our client base and grow the business in the UK and Europe. Long term – to develop our client base globally.

Describe yourself in five words: Sick of the Scottish weather.

Professional role model: Simon Cowell,

What do you bring to your company: I conduct – I help the rest of the team do what they are good at.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Running the Line office in Barcelona and growing us throughout Europe.

Professional pet hates: People who are “comfortable” in their job, indecision, red tape and people who pitch for ideas with no intention of moving from their incumbent agency.

Name: Sarah Longworth.

Date and place of birth: 6 July 1981, Whiston Hospital.

Job Title: Copywriter.

Company: Family.

Career to date: Freelance designer for Festival Inns. Copywriter at Family.

What job did you want when you were young:To make adverts.

Biggest professional achievement: D&AD New Blood.

Professional goals: To be recognised and respected for what I do and a D&AD pencil to make my mantle look pretty.

Describe yourself in five words: Amazing, gorgeous, fabulous, intelligent. Honest.

Professional role model: My mum. The strongest, most beautiful woman I know.

What do you bring to your company: Ideas! A passion for great creative and my pool cue.

Where do you see yourself in five years time: Counting my pencils.

Professional pet hates: Corporate nonsense, segregation, idea killers, idea hoarders!


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